Will I Get Financial Aid? What Everybody Ought to Know about Paying for College

So what do I mean when I talk about “financial aid”? Financial aid is money that is either given to your child or that you (or your child) borrow to

May College Admissions Checklist for Seniors

Your child's college search is winding down, but they aren't quite done yet. If your child will be attending college in the fall, here are five things that your child

How to Apply for Community College

For a long time, applying to a community college was viewed as the "back-up" option for most high school students. Many students and families felt that enrolling in a community

Tips for On-Campus Visits

You probably won't be able to visit every school on your list while classes are in session, so here are my three tips: If you can only visit one or two

April College Admissions Checklist for Seniors

Now that it's April, your child will be receiving allof your college decisions and financial aid awardletters. Now it is time to make some important choices. Here is a checklist of

How do College Waitlists Work?

Ugh. Your child has been placed on the waitlist. Download our free guide that explains what you can do if your child is stuck on a waitlist. This means that they have

How to Come Up with Cash for College

There are basically three strategies for coming up with cash to cover the Expected Family Contribution, or the amount that your family will be expected to pay for college: 1)